This is a place to offer tribute to the German Shepherd Dogs who are or have been important parts of our lives and the people who have been friends to Shepherds. We welcome postings including dog or friend's name, your name (or "anonymous"), and a contribution to GSRNC. If you have a memorial page on the Web to your German Shepherd or Friend, we can link to it from here; just let us know the URL. If you wish to include a photo with your posting, please email us a jpeg photo file. Please send all text, photos and URL links to :
You can now donate on-line by clicking on the PayPal link, and enter a donation amount (minimum of $25 please) for each In Tribute posting.
At the top of the Second PayPal page, in the "Add Your Tribute Here" box, enter your “In Tribute” message, or any other special instructions to
In memory of Dani.
From: Carol Darling. |
In honor of Andy and Jess McCarthy.
Love: Mom and Mark. |
In grateful appreciation to our wonderful Kiva.
From: Nadia Balkissoon. |
In memory of Orlando. We renamed him Reddy. He was very special to us.
From: Elliott Abrams. |
In loving memory of David Jeffries.
From: Tammy Lovitt. |
In loving memory and on behalf of Anika, the best friend ever!
From: Kristin Cooney. |
In memory of our Kona girl.
From: Brent Thiese. |
On behalf of Patty Helms.
From: Jacklyn Summers. |
In memory of Denise Craik Williams. A wonderful friend, loving wife and GSD lover of Rusty, Meghan, Hannah, Dodger, Jenny and Jasper. We miss you.
From: Allison Blank. |
In memory of our beloved Hugo.
From: Regina To. |
In Memory of Cali, whose physical beauty was only matched by the beauty of her heart and soul.
From: Mike Murray. |
In memory of Jay Tennebaum.
From: Susan Debenham. |
In loving memory of John Varni, K-9 handler and good dude. We miss you.
From: Dave & Judy. |
In honor of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Leslie Meyers. |
In memory of Kevlar.
From: Sharon Hall. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Lucinda Jackson. |
In memory of Jim Miller, owner of the Wise Ass Ranch, Lincoln, CA.
From: David Cesio. |
In memory of Kodiak, who passed away on 10/10/2016.
From: Chaiti Chatterjee. |
In memory of my favorite uncle, Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Adam Delevitt. |
In memory of Denise Williams. A dedicated and wonderful dog lover.
From: Craig McCreight. |
In memory of our kind neighbor, Denise. German Shepherd lover, cancer fighter and generous soul.
From: Amy & David. |
In memory of Denise Craik Williams.
From: Andrea Bishop. |
In memory of Denise Williams.
From: Kelly Wilson. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Jocelyn & Jeff Birren. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Peggy Griffin. |
In honor of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Michael Barbee. |
In memory of Denise Craik Williams.
From: Marion Malvini. |
In fond memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Charlie & Margaret Dollbaum. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum, such a dog lover.
From: Elizabeth Stumpf. |
In loving memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Thomas Mendelson. |
In honor of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Mindy O'Toole. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Pat Newmann. |
In honor of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Designing Women Interiors. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Joan Edelstein. |
In honor of Jay Tennenebaum.
From: Melanie Wallace. |
In loving memory of Jay Tennenbaum. May his memory be a blessing.
From: Phyllis Reinstein. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbuam.
From: Carol Shachtman. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbuam.
From: Karen Bloom. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum. His bright spirit will be much missed.
From: Mary Haley. |
Thinking of you Jay T., and know your spirit is still among us.
From: Roberta Streimer. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Debra Constantine. |
In memory of Denise Williams.
From: Bob Finocchio. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Terry & Suzan Kramer. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Lani Christianson. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Alison Heafey. |
With sincere condolences and in memory of Denise Craik Williams.
From: Cathleen Gunderson. |
In memory of Denise Williams.
From: Dorothy Duffy Price. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Patty Stark. |
In memory of Denise Craik Williams.
From: Victoria Dementer. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Asher and Ellen Bronfeld. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Jody A Cornelius. |
In honor of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Laura Ziegler. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Miriam Mangini. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Diane Meltzer. |
In memory of Jay.
Love: Cathe and Kevin Martin. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Rebecca Rush. |
In loving memory of Denise Williams.
From: Barbara Chang. |
In honor of our dear friend Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Kathleen Swensen. |
In memory of Denise Williams.
From: Christine Alves. |
In memory of Denise Williams.
From: Fiona Sander. |
In memory and honor of Mr. Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Esther Low and Wynne Lum. |
In loving memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Muriel Pogrund. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Barbara Christianson. |
In honor of Radar Horst, Jenny Horst and Sean Smith.
From: Braden Horst. |
For your Wiley / our Cory.
From: Samyukta Sankaran. |
In memory of Jay Tennenbaum and in honor of his wife, Lee Eisman. True lovers of GSR.
From: Jan Corwin. |
In honor of Olyver and Kami, our great rescue dogs.
From: William Low. |
In loving memory of Daisy Groff.
From: Shawn Groff. |
In memory of beloved Sam-e.
From: From: Susan Eason. |
In honor of Kalinka. Forever in our hearts.
From: Gill Wichi. |
In memory of Allison Smiley.
From: Anthony Corradi. |
In memory of Promise.
From: Gillian Kumagai. |
In appreciation of Karen & Janice at Bring Rover Over.
From: Sophia Shuman. |
In memory of David Jeffries.
From: Carol Herbert. |
In memory of David Jeffries.
From: H. Mila Paul. |
In memory of David Lowell Jeffries.
From: Dana and Marty Izenson. |
In memory of Dave Jeffries, with respect and great memories of laughter.
From: Chris and Gerald McCarthy. |
In memory of David Lowell Jeffries.
From: Sam Herzberg. |
In memory of David Jeffries.
From: Ann Forman. |
In memory of Dave Jeffries.
From: Juliana Herbert. |
In memory of Dave Jeffries, friend and colleague. May you be running with the Shepherds in Heaven.
From: Tracy Hein. |
In memory of Dave Jeffries.
From: Maureen Cassingham. |
In memory of Dave Jeffries.
From: Al & Kathe DaCunha. |
In memory of Dave Jeffries.
From: Gregory Herbert. |
In memory of David Jeffries.
Love: Judy and Herman. |
In memory of Stella.
From: Shannon Bowers. |
In honor of Dave Jeffries.
From: Margareta Flynn. |
In honor of Bina. A loving companion always.
From: Michelle Pak. |
In loving memory of Maximus, 2014 - 2024 adopted from GSRNC.
From: Denise Wallace. |
In honor of Sam and Ellen Evans.
From: Daria Victorov. |
In memory of Reba - the best furry friend to my good friend, Christina. May she find sunny spots to lay in and lots of grass to run in over the rainbow.
From: Isabel Gomez. |
In memory of Thomas Drew, beloved husband of Nancy. He and Nancy always cherished their dogs. His loyal pup sat on his lap, gently comforting him to the end.
Love from your Friday sewing friends at Ruth's. |
In loving memory of Caroline Smith.
From: Nobuo & Sandra Hamamoto. |
In honor of the memory of Joanie Benjamin.
From: Patty Stark. |
In honor of John Varni, a beloved softball coach and an amazing person.
From: Yvette Pritchard. |
In honor of Rose Towery's 90th Birthday.
From: Fran McTamaney. |
In memory of Mr. John Varni of San Ramon, CA.
From: Sandra Nishikawa. |
In memory of John Varni who was a brother-in-blue and friend. My thoughts and prayers to his wife, kids and family. I pray that God lifts them up and helps them through their grieving.
From: Kurt Messick. |
In loving memory of John Varni - a friend, husband, dad and lover of German Shepherds.
You will be missed John, but forever in our hearts. The Zerbe Family |
In honor and memory of John Varni.
From: Cincy Spain. |
In memory of John J. Varni, who loved his German Shepherds.
With love from: the Cavallo Family. |
To the memory and family of John Varni, with sincere condolences.
From: Julie Wolfe. |
In honor of John Varni.
From: Lisa Baumer. |
In memory of John Varni.
From: Jennifer and Allen Huntley. |
In honor of John Varni, former Concord PD K9 handler.
From: a brother in blue, Kevin Wise, former Concord PD motor officer & K9 handler. |
In honor of John Varni.
From: James Krueger. |
In memory of John Varni - a beloved friend! May he rest in peace.
From: Stephanie Ruckman. |
In memory of John Varni.
From: Cheryl Feltgen. |
In memory of Jeet (originally Winner).
From:Daya Vivek. |
In honor of Angie & David Boisa.
From: David & Anne Boisa. |
In honor of Byron Sprend & Ronda Gray.
From: Howard Yellen & Allison Kozak. |
In honor of Larry Tsujihara.
From: Susan Dunaway-Tsujihara. |
In memory of Eugene M. Spencer.
From: Joseph D. Lavine. |
In memory of Sunny, rescued in 2010, faithful companion through 2022.
From: Wendy Bogin. |
To William, gone way too soon but always with us in our hearts. We miss ya little guy.
From: Katie Vogelzang. |
In honor of Jane David's birthday.
From: Dolly Miller. |
In memory of Zazie.
From: Monique Manopoulos. |
We love GSRNC! Thanks for all you do. Happy Holidays.
From: Ashley, Ian, Ringo, Mac & Mia. |
In honor of Tucker, Darcy, Lucky, Kai, Rusty, Tango and Oscar.
From: Laura Menard. |
In loving memory of Dunkin, the best obnoxious buddy ever. Furever in my heart.
From: Aaron Garner. |
In the memory of Diane Anderson.
From: Florine Rodich. |
In honor of Peaches "Zala" Gutierrez.
From: Alina Gutierrez. |
In honor of Joan Hoover.
From: Robert & Mara Perkins. |
In loving memory of Diane Anderson.
From: Virginia & Ron Howe. |
Honey Puppy - my dad's beloved baby girl and to all the amazing German Shepherds that have touched our lives. We love you dad & rest in peace.
From: Christine Babir. |
In honor of Andy & Jessica McCurdy.
From: Mary Miller. |
In loving memory of Denney.
From: Emily Milnes, Kevin Panzera and the Marsh Team. |
In memory of Dorothy Divine.
From: Braden Horst. |
In memory of our wonderful dog, Shatzi.
From: Linda & Jordan Goodman. |
In remembrance of my shepherd loving brother David Ellis.
Love your brother Mark Ellis |
This donation is in honor of my brother David Ellis who loved his two German Shepherds Max and rescued Shepherd River I love and miss all of you.
Anonymous |
In memory of Riley Russell-Schumann.
From: Denise O'Leary. |
Thanks to Lee Eisman & Lisa Tierny for their wonderful help towards adopting a GSRNC dog. They were both incredibly helpful, friendly and knowledgeable.
From: Sharon Jue. |
In memory of Lieselotte Regan.
From: Eileen and Tim Zagelow |
In honor of my best friend, Iris & Joan Hoover of GSRNC. Iris, my Seeing Eye Dog is retiring. No one wanted to adopt her because of her age. I was lost.
From Jennifer Cook. Joan was the first contact I had that offered me any hope. GSRNC is in my heart. |
In memory of Lieselotte Regan, who rescued and loved her Shepherds.
From: Nancy Hickman. |
In memory of Lieselotte Regan.
From: Karon Gundolff. |
In memory of my sister, Lieselotte Regan. She was a great lover for the German Shepherd Dog.
From: Hilde Shaw. |
In memory of Lenita Ward.
From: Pauline & William Youd. |
In memory of our dear friend, Peter Barber.
From: Eddy & Norma Haverlock. |
In memory of Peter Barber.
From Greg & Suzanne Schafer. |
In memory of Lieselotte Regan.
From: Dan Matlin. |
In memory of Lieselotte Regan.
With our deepest sympathy from Gordon and Dale Mizuno. |
In memory of Frank Pima, a man who lifted all of us with his loving spirit.
From: John Scherer. |
In memory of Adora.
From: Karen Kaker. |
In loving memory of Sitka, who we lost to Degenerative Myelopathy.
From: Neil Jackson. |
In honor of Angie & David Boisa, Jr. and Luca.
From: Anne & David Boisa. |
In honor of Andy and Jessica McCurdy.
From: Mary Ann Miller. |
In loving memory of Copper Hogan.
From: Amanda Ann Bertsch. |
On behalf of Noah.
From: Jill Antonini. |
In loving memory of our faithful Cody boy. He stole our hearts from day one. We loved him beyond words and miss him every day. He will forever be in our hearts.
Love, the Garys. |
In honor of Joan Hoover.
From: Robert & Mara Perkins. |
In honor of Doug Greene.
From: Luise Maier. |
In honor of Joye Hawkes good work over the years, especially in building a relationship with Oakland Animal Services.
From: Jamin Hawks |
In honor of Lee Eisman and Jay Tennenbaum.
From: Terry Kramer. |
In loving memory of Cali, adopted in 2011. We love her and miss her. Thank you for rescuing her.
From: Stewart & Cindy Gary. |
In celebration of Tom & Alida, true GSD lovers; on their 50th wedding anniversary.
From: Tara Leonard. |
To celebrate Tom & Alida and Renzo.
From: Catherine Bowman. |
In honor of our GSD, Kody, the best dog we could ever imagine. We love you and miss you so much.
Love: Matt & Kat |
In honor of Alida and Tom Canale, true German Shepherd lovers, in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary.
From: George & Tara Leonard. |
Honoring Mayze, our GS rescue dog who passed in March and our new GS rescue Sadie.
From: Nicki Manske. |
In memory of Jean Zukin.
From: Sarah Spell. |
In honor of Debbi Hankins' more than 18 years of incrdible service to Oakland Dog Training Club and her deep love of everything GSD!
From: ODTC |
In memory of Lexie, a dog I will remember forever.
From: Laurie Cain. |
In memory of Sam (Vlad) who passed 05/06/22.
From: Alan Ross. |
In memory of Jean Zukin.
From: Marcia & Jim Levy. |
In memory of my awesome aunt, Jean Zukin.
From: Robin Zukin. |
In honor of Ceci Powell.
From: Catherine Rogers. |
In memory of Randy Prudhel, on behalf of his loving sister Shayne Richards.
In memory of Quinn. Her owner, Dr Sheri Elle Brown has a big hole in her heart since Quinn crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
From: Health Matters Fitness, Inc. |
In honor of Francisco da Silva's 60th birthday and his sweet Kacey dog.
From: Joana Mclivery. |
In loving memory of Steven Ajay, my beloved brother who together with his wife Anne, loved GSD's, especially Finn, who made his last days bearable.
From: Alexander Ajay. |
In honor of Emre Duemirlalp, to celebrate him on his 40th birthday, and his unconditional love for German Shepherds.
From: Polona and Ales Antoncic. |
In memory of our Mayze.
From: Nicki Manske. |
In memory of Copper Hogan.
From: Amanda Ann Bertsch. |
In memory of Richard Lee Wilson.
From: Carlos Valdes, Joan Harrington, and Gail Moriet. |
In memory of Richard Lee Wilson.
From: Jennifer Elkin, Shari Barens and Cheryl Fong. |
In memory of Richard Lee Wilson. He loved all animals, especially dogs. He worked to provide life saving animal breathing equipment to every Fire Dept in Napa Valley.
From: Thomas Hopkins. |
In loving memory of Albert Martyn, a very special & much beloved German Shepherd adopted from the Martinez shelter.
From: Audra & Benjamin Spall. |
In appreciation of advice and guidance received from GSRNC volunteers about a GSD mix in Mariposa County. Thank you!
From: Stephanie Arend. |
In memory of Betty White, my granddaughter’s 21st Birthday and rescue Boe Wright, a great companion.
From: Barbara Atwell. |
In memory of Boe Wright, son of Charlene & Alex Wright.
From: Paul Richardson. |
Tribute to Sipote, Lucky & Sugar.
From: Carol Spinney. |
On behalf of our amazing Kiva - thanks for doing such incredible work!
From: Nadia Balkissoon. |
In grateful acknowledgement of Joye Hawkes' work on behalf of GSDs who find their way to OAS. Joye's relentless dedication is the heart of this valuable partnership. Thank you, Joye!
From: Jamin Hawks. (Oakland Animal Services) |
In honor of Joan Hoover.
From: Robert & Mara Perkins. |
In honor of Lorraine Kainuma.
From: Barbara Lindmann. |
In memory of Quicy, adopted from GSRNC in Concord in 2000.
From: Action Analytix. |
In memory of Zoey Boisa and in celebration of Luca Boisa. Best dog-nieces ever!
From: Melanie Boisa. |
In memory of our wonderful and beautiful boy, Duncan. Thank you to GSRNC for all the work you do.
From: Theresa McGuire. |
In honor of Elaine Hamilton.
From: Diana Dunn. |
Merry Christmas to BABE and her loving human, Joyce.
From: Joanne Brood. |
In honor of the Braden Family.
From: Barry & Kirsten. |
In loving memory of Iceman. We adopted him in 2011, he passed away in 2019. The best 8 years of our lives. We miss him very much.
From: Jerry & Lori Mullen. |
In honor of the Hogan Family!
From: Amanda Ann Bertsch. |
In loving memory of Mayze.
From: Lee Eisman. |
In honor of Mayze, adopted from GSRNC years ago. She is still with us - a wonderful companion.
From: Nicki Manske. |
Happy Birthday to Robert Berthold, who is celebrating his 64th birthday.
From: Stephanie Hanson. |
In honor of Shadow, Vader, Seth, Zeke and Joan Hoover.
From: Susan Smarr and Bill Gatcomb. |
In honor of Lee Eisman for being a wonderful and diplomatic contact person.
From: Linda Goodman, a PHS-SPCA volunteer. |
In the memory of Sam-e (formerly Pine). She was always a wonderful dog, who brought us much joy and we loved her dearly.
From: Susan Eason. |
In loving memory of Ginny Hershey Lambert, who always had a German Shepherd by her side.
From: Connie Moss. |
In honor of Jessie Babiarz and Dan Wahlig and Darcy.
From: Mike & Jody Wahlig. |
In memory of Lucy. Loyal, loving, emphatic and true.
From: Eleni Hub. |
In honor of the memory of Eleanor Carol Tavares.
From: Patty Lacy. |
In memory of 2 beautiful German Shepherds, Ace and Sam.
From: Jennifer Owens. |
In memory of Tilley.
From: Mary Patricia Kramer. |
In memory of Mel Taylor.
From: Charles & Arlene Folkers. |
In loving memory of Mia, a truly exceptional dog. She will be in our hearts forever.
From: Susi Farmer. |
Our thanks to GSRNC for their rescue work and matching up Levy with Billi and Karl Haug.
From: Peter Haug. |
In loving memory of our beautiful girl, Abbie Jean. She was our constant companion and will truly be missed.
From: Wendy & John Woods. |
In memory of Skyler.
From: Andrew Boothe. |
In memory of Jackie Shafer.
From: Jon & Bonnie Wohler. |
In memory of Jackie Shafer.
From: Steve & Connie Tyler. |
In memory of our beloved Greta.
From: John & Marie Mort. |
Thank you to Lee Eisman for introducing me to Bump.
From: Karen Lou. |
In honor of my dear friend, Kim Friberg, gone too soon.
From: Andrew Patterson. |
In memory of Kim Friberg. The GSDs lost another true champion.
From: Lani Christianson. |
In memory of Kim Friberg.
From: Brian Dunavant. |
In loving memory of Major, a handsome and loved GSD who suddenly passed away.
From: Regan Lyon |
In memory of our friend JoAnne Larricq.
From: Jane & Mike Pharr. |
In memory of Yasko - a true and loyal friend.
From: John Henry So. |
In memory of Jim Fiack. The GSDs lost a true champion and the world lost a genuinely good person.
Lani Christianson and John Humphrey. |
In memory of Jim Fiack who gave so much to GS rescue. He tirelessly helped save many dogs and was a true rescue hero.
From: Joan Hoover. |
In memory of Jim Fiack.
From: Megan O'Connor Eddings. |
In honor of Angie Boisa and Luca.
From: David & Ann Boisa. |
In honor and memory of Jim Fiack who helped those who cannot speak for themselves.
From: Elizabeth Ramsey. |
In honor of Byron Spreng & Ronda Gray.
From: Howard Yellen & Allison Kozak. |
In honor of Doug Greene.
From: Luise Maier. |
With gratitude for the hard work and dedication that Joye Hawkes puts in to pull dogs from Oakland Animal Services.
From: Jamin Hawks. |
Thank you all at GSRNC for all you do.
From: Mariah Karg. |
On behalf of Maria Concha.
From: Leejay Victor. |
In honor of Joan Hoover.
From: Robert and Mara Perkins. |
Merry Christmas to Joyce Franzman and Babe.
From: Joanne Brood. |
Merry Christmas to Joye Hawkes.
From Leigh Hafrey. |
In memory of Daisy, my best girl.
From: Laura Menard. |
In memory of Gunther - a great neighbor.
With fond memories, the Gramkowskis. |
In loving memory of GSD Carmen.
From: Mary Roberts |
In memory of John Ferrari.
In honor of Jim Dixson, on his birthday, and of the work he does for GSRNC
From: Helen Parnell and Susan Lagasse |
In loving memory of Oscar Stein - certified good boy.
From: Abby Fox. |
Thank you for all you do. Special thank you to Lorraine Kainuma.
From: John and Stacey Wyatt. |
In loving memory of Riley Brooks. Given in hope that other shepherds can find a home as warm and loving as hers.
From: Jordan Bradford. |
In honor of Lee Eisman and the terrific work she does. Thank you, Lee.
From: Karen Lou. |
In memory of Alida's beloved Daisy.
From: Debbie Melnikoff. |
In memory of Reed Lovegrove Porter, and our wonderful German Shepherd Hannah.
From: David Heathcote |
On behalf of Blitz. We didn't know him long, but we know he was an incredible pup.
Love, Chris and Danielle Dittmer. |
In tribute to Max, a great boy.
From: Madeline Burchard. |
In memory of my beautiful girl, KD Marie. She was the best girl.
From: Louise McGannon |
In memory of Maxum. He was only with us a short time, but he filled our lives with love.
From: Christy Reynolds, Karen Oliver and all the volunteers who knew him. |
In memory of our sweet and kind first rescue shepherd, Mia (Kia). Now with the amazing expertise of Joye Hawkes and Doug Greene, we are lucky to have a new shepherd love, Connor (Gunther).
From: Leslie McQuaide. |
In honor of the best mom who started out as a German Shepherd mom.
From: Samantha Leeds |
In honor of Lorraine Kainuma.
From: Barbara Landmann |
In honor of Saber (Alfie) and Sam (Vlad).
From: Alan Ross |
In memory of Rebecca Adams Nestor.
From: James Nestor |
In honor of Dr. Susan Smarr, the Physician-in-Chief at Santa Clara Kaiser Permanente, upon her retirement. She is a strong advocate for your organization and the work you do.
Thanks from: Chris Boyd and the Santa Clara Kaiser Permanente |
In honor of Susan Smarr's retirement.
From: Brenda Mandac |
In memory of our beloved GSD, Buddy.
From: Frank and Maureen Gamma |
In recognition of the incredible leadership and kindness of Dr. Susan Smarr.
From: Dr. Ethan Daniels |
In memory of Gregg Dietz.
From: John and Susan Smith |
In loving memory of my sweet girl, Meli.
From: Janet Vicens |
Happy Birthday Aslyn!
From: Ariella Birnbaum |
In tribute to Ashlyn's 13th birthday!
From: Elsa Beatty. |
To all the great work you do! I owe my life to my GSD whom I adopted thru one of your adoption days. Smartest dog, best companion and faithful friend I could ever ask for!
From: Greg Farkas |
In honor of the Hogan Family.
From: Amanda Nassie |
Thank you for all the work you do with Contra Costa County Animal Services!
From: Susan Obayashi |
In honor of Luci - Best Dog Ever.
From: Diane Green |
Many thanks to GSRNC for helping us find our beloved Kiva.
From: Nadia Balkissoon |
In honor of Calvin Coolidge, rescued in 2015 by Richard and Alison Lindsey, who still lives happily and naughtily with them in the Bay Area.
From: Sara Sciarrillo |
In honor of Andrew McCurdy who is the most devoted dog owner we know and love.
From: Denise Stearns |
With gratitude to Joye Hawkes for her valuable help in assessing and transferring German Shepherds at Oakland Animal Services.
From: Jamin Hawks |
With appreciation for Savannah and in memory of her best friend Sparky.
From: Robert Hussey |
In memory of Ann Marie Marchetti
From: Jennifer Rodriguez |
In memory of Bob O'Connor
From: Valerie Jo Ann Orner |
In memory of Bob O'Connor and his work with GSRNC
From: Margaret Baxter Pearson |
In memory of Ann Marie Marchetti
From: Jolene Giovannoni |
In fond memory of Bob O'Connor
From: Lorraine Kainuma |
In fond memory of Sandy LaFramboise
From: Lorraine Kainuma |
Vino: A great one has been lost. He was such a beautiful dog inside and out. He was always perfectly posed in our photos when everything around him was nuts.
Thanks for choosing us as your family. The Piccini Family & Kathleen Brooks |
In memory of Greg Dietz
From: Hartsuyker, Stratman & Williams-Abrego, San Jose Law Office |
In memory of Greg Dietz
From: Mark Aal |
In memory of Jake, Oct. 2007 - July 2019.
From: Tom Rumzie |
In honor of GSRNC volunteer and my long time friend, Lorraine Kainuma.
From: Barbara Landmann |
In memory of Katherine Reamer
From: Elisabeth Silva |
In memory of Katherine Reamer
From: Michael Lawson |
In memory of Katherine Reamer
From: Carol & Jerry Harter |
In memory of Katherine Reamer
From: Shirley Banks |
In memory of Katherine Reamer
From: The Hibbitts |
In memory of Katherine Reamer
From: Bob & Becky Giannoni |
In memory of Katherine Reamer
From: Louisa & Bill Correa |
In memory of Katherine Reamer
From: Frank & Joanne Ramos |
In memory of Katherine Reamer
From: Peter & Lorraine Palamidessi |
For Berfert and all like him. A short time in my life, but a human changing experience.
From: Mike Branch. |
In memory of Kathryn Lindsey.
From: Nancy Beddingfield. |
In memory of Andy Anderson.
From: Marcia Thompson. |
In memory of John Ferrari.
From: Larry and Enid Kissinger. |
In memory of Mary Lyons.
From: Theresa Wagner. |
In loving memory of my beautiful girl, Sicily. Forever in my heart! 07/28/2007-01/22/2018.
From: Glenys Solid |
In loving memory of Mary Lyons, who joyfully loved all their families' GS puppies.
From: Jethro Carter. |
In memory of Mary Lyons, great lover of GSD's and all other puppies.
From: Beverly Lyons. |
In memory of Mary Lyons.
From: Tam Schumann. |
In Memory of Mary Lyons.
From: The Bone Room. |
In loving memory of Mary Lyons.
With Sympathy, Linda Eiswirth. |
Happy Birthday, Devra Wolf.
From: Natalie Kuhlman. |
In tribute to Lady, adopted by Bruce Wolfe, who passed away recently after a life of service and support. She was inspiring.
From: Allen Gunn. |
In honor of Sister Zoe.
From: Robert and Linda Chaudrue. |
In memory of Lars.
From: Arour Levin. |
With appreciation for Savannah and in memory of her best friend Sparky (2000-2018).
From: Sandra Hussey. |
Dear Super Perfect Serkie, Thank you for donating money and thinking of us. Some day you are going to have a German Shepherd puppy or dog. Thank you!
From: Don Oman |
In memory of Charys Sayre.
From: Erin Goss |
In memory of George Oakes.
From: Lawrence & Babette Squires. |
In honor of Luci - Best Ever!
From: Diane Green. |
In honor of my parents Grady and Mary Jeter.
From: John Jeter. |
Thank you to GSRNC for all the wonderful deeds you do! In loving memory of my Simba! Woof!
From: J Eli Felicitas. |
In honor of Julia Priest and her contribution to the breed.
From: mlaouri. |
In honor of Andrew McCurdy and Atlas.
From: Denise Stearns. |
In memory of David Hamilton.
From: Patricia Gallant. |
For our most amazing Sharon Maloney. We sure do miss you.
From: Julie Forrest. |
Merry Christmas Aydin Abdollahian.
From: Seth Millstein. |
In honor of Darcy Dog.
From: Michael Wahlig. |
In honor of Jackie, Marv & Friedrich Hervey.
From: Gretchen Henderson. |
In memory of Lars.
From: Artour Levin. |
With appreciation for Savannah and in memory of her best friend Sparky (2000-2018).
From: Sandra Hussey. |
In memory of Charys Sayre.
From: Leslie Gordon and Harry Goss. |
In memory of Charys Sayre.
From: Jo-Ellen Ormes. |
In honor of Andy McCurdy.
From: Julia Long. |
In honor of Katie.
From: Terry Woodard. |
In memory of Kona.
From: Allison Walewski. |
In memory of Charys Sayre.
From: Ingrid Ticas. |
In memory of Charys Sayre.
From: Catherine Palmateer. |
In memory of Charys Sayre.
From: Cynthia Larmore. |
In memory of Charys Sayre.
From: Freida Ossi. |
In honor of Charys South Sayre.
From: NMCS Board. |
In memory of Charys South Sayre.
From: Maureen Keeyse Fuentes. |
In loving memory of Charys Sayre.
From: Jikke Smith. |
We miss you and love you gorgeous Magic, angel with paws who is forever in our hearts.
From: Oriana Halevy. |
In honor of Lorraine Kainuma. Thank you for your years of animal love and rescue work.
From: Kathleen Eidell. |
In loving memory of David Hamilton whose caring spirit made a difference for more than one German Shepherd.
From: Diane Dunn. |
In memory of David Hamilton.
From: David Lindquist. |
In memory of Tyson Grove. A good dog and best friend.
From: Carol Mattox. |
In memory of Lucky Day, who was loved by Arne, Maria, Stephen and Anthony Lim.
From: Erika Lim |
In memory of David.
From: Chiharu Bolstad. |
In loving memory of our Shadow girl with whom we failed fostering 101 and never regretted it for a moment.
From Susan Smarr and Bill Gatcomb |
In the memory of Ronald Joseph Silva (Ronnie) for his love of the breed.
From Monica Mathiesen |
In memory of Joyce McKeehan.
From Nancy and Brad Catania |
In loving memory of Diamond.
From Julie Blankenship |
In memory of Ruth Gugerli.
From: Marcus and Suzanne Shipley |
In memorial of "Ranger" Rehn. A GSD who loved tennis balls, games and all his people.
From: Karen Oliver. |
In loving memory of our GSRNC doggy pal, Rio. You are in our hearts forever.
From: Diane and Bob Varner |
In honor of the 65th wedding anniversary of Charles and Phyllis Adams, a wonderful couple and lovers of German Shepherds.
From: Marlit and Dana Hayes |
In memory of Bert "Andy" Anderson.
From: Lon Anderson |
In memory of Bert "Andy" Anderson.
From: Jean and Norlyn Stowell |
In memory of Bert "Andy" Anderson.
From: Mary and Allen Wright |
In memory of Bert "Andy" Anderson.
From: Susan and Donnie Fleming |
In loving memory of a wonderful friend, Bert "Andy" Anderson.
From: Virginia and Ronald Howe |
In memory of Jackson Kirkwood. I was always happy to pay my taxes because Jackson was always in the office to welcome me. He was a love.
From: Sandra Christy |
In memory of Ajax, who was loved by Shubham and Vidya.
You will be missed! |
In memory of Marge Reuter who was the owner of many German Shepherds over the years we knew her.
Her most recent adoption was her beloved dog, Callie. |
In memory of Gigi Chapman, a very sweet German Shepherd, who recently died.
From: Susan West |
In memory of Marge Reuter
From: Allison Wilford |
In memory of Credo who was loved by Jim, Jan and Kate Hill.
From: Peg Sipos and Melita Figueroa |
To my beloved Kaiser who left this earth, but not my heart, in August.
From: Elisabeth Kowalski |
For Corbit. We miss you're at the rainbow bridge with your friends and family.
From: Brad Davis |
In memory of Shadow and Bonnie, both wonderful GSD's.
From: David Yust |
In honor of Dan Steffe.
From:Kathryn Woolley |
In memory of Kelly, Telly, Adora and Kit. There are dogs and then there are German Shepherds.
From: Karen Baker |
In memory of our sweet girl, Vanessa (aka Schatzie).
From: Peg Sipos and Melita Figueroa |
In celebrations of Jackie & Marv Hervey and the work they do with GSRNC.
From: Gretchen Henderson |
In memory of Fred T, a fantastic Thulani dog who warmed our hearts and hearth.
From: Angela Eccles |
For my parents, Brad and Janis, in loving memory of their shepherds, Topaz, Titan, Spartan, Bailey and Nala.
From: Kristina Levesque |
In memory of Charlie
From: Wendy Warrington |
In honor of Mr. Doug Greene.
From:Louise Maier |
In memory of John Kurtilla.
From: Diane Gragnani |
In memory of Ethel Pont, a true lover of the German Shepherd.
From: Doug Himmel |
In honor of Stephen W. Crozier
From:Sue Lonergan and Family |
In memory of Simba, my best companion for every adventure! Woof!
From: J Eli Felicitas |
In honor of Andrew McCurdy, the best doggie dad in California.
From: Frank Stearns |
Missing our Sharon Maloney. Merry Christmas, Grandma Sharon.
From: Julie Forrest |
In honor of Joan Hoover.
From: Kimberley Ferse |
Thank you Joan Hoover fro continuous friendship and hospitality!
From: Naomi Parker |
In memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Karen Oliver |
In memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Ron Gnaw |
In memory of Stephen W. Crozier.
From:Olga Sorensen |
In honor of Stephen William Crozier, our dear uncle and brother.
From: Caleb Schmersahl & Golbert Az |
In memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Gary & Merri Martin |
In memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: CW & Kathryn Hubbs |
In memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Charles & Dixie Lee Fincher |
In memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Susana Charm |
In memory of Roxy and Diego to help sponsor dogs until we adopt our next furry family member.
From: Annaliese Franz |
n loving memory of Steve Crozier and Solomon, his loyal German Shepherd.
From: Shane Crozier. |
In memory of Steve Crozier.
From: Robert and your friends at Sococo |
In memory of Steve Crozier, with thoughts and prayers.
From: Jack's colleagues and friends at Sococo. |
In memory of Vanessa, a very sweet girl.
From: Carl & Kathleen |
In memory of our buddy, Carroll Reynolds. We miss you buddy.
From: Lynie & Buddy Gar |
In memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Pauline & William Youd |
In memory of Vanessa,a beautiful girl rescued by Peg Sipos & Melita Figueroa in 05.She couldn't have gone to a better home or more dedicated owners.Always in our hearts,a full & wonderful life lived.
From:Debbie Bernstein |
In tribute to our wonderful pup, Kiva, and all the incredible work this rescue does for these amazing dogs.
From: Nadia Balkissoon |
In memory of lovely Oscar and the family that rescued him.
From: Gail Blumberg |
In memory of our sweet GSD, Kara.
From: Stephen Yant |
In memory of Marvin Soroken
From: Michael Dubrow |
In the honor and memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Lorraine Kainuma |
In memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Mary Jane & Richard Laufenberg |
In honor and memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Peter & Martha Plante |
In loving memory of Carroll Reynolds, a dear friend.
From: Ronald & Mary Westgate |
In memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Sally & Brian Taylor |
In memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Judy & John Johnson |
In honor of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Stephanie Capser |
In memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Michael & Kathleen Huenergardt |
In memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Carol & Hugh Nagle |
In loving memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Mark & Yvonne Hubbard |
In memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Bruce & Karin Lechner |
In honor and memory of Carroll Reynolds.
From: Lani Christianson & John Humphrey |
In memory of Monty
From: Wendy McWalter |
In recognition of Joan Hoover and James Rabjohn.
From: Albert & Ellen Latour |
In memory of Patricia Greenhood.
From:Madelene Silva |
In memory of Lloyd Connors.
From:John and Kim Garcia |
In memory of best shepherd ever, Xion.
From:Clare McIntyre |
In memory of Lloyd James Connors.
From: Sharon Zweiter, DVM. |
In memory of Patricia Greenhood.
From: Gus and Armande Vasilopoulos |
In honor of Sheba, my childhood best friend.
From:Dani Townsend |
In memory of Lloyd Connors.
From: Michael Andrews |
In memory of James Edward Jones. RIP.
From: Jeff Lieb. |
In memory of Lloyd Connors.
From: Linda Carne. |
In memory of Frieda (Friga). She is greatly missed by me and Nick (GSD).
From: Alice Wichman |
In honor of my friend Patricia Greenhood.
From: Mari DiVarco |
In honor and memory of Murfee.
From: Dorothy Snow |
In memory of Skippy.
From: Margaret Miyasaki |
In memory of Prima, my best friend.
From: Rex Mann |
In memory of GSHD Storm.
From: Debra Barnes |
For my Coriander / your Wiley, adopted from GSRNC Aug 2015.
From: Samyukta Sankaran |
In tribute to beautiful and gentle Zula, whom we adopted a year ago.
From: Nurit and Matthew Jacobs. |
In memory of Patricia Greenhood
From: Elayne Zuber |
In memory of Rita Granados and her best friend, Gia
From:KK Gulf |
In memory of Lloyd Connors
From: Grant Burton |
In memory of Lloyd Connors
From: Sharon Zweiter, DVM |
In fond remembrance of Loyd Connors
From: Sue Horn |
In memory of Lloyd Connors
From: Linda Carne |
In honor of Beau Shiffman and his loving family
From: Anna Rider |
For Max, We will all miss you so much and will never forget you. Love Miss Lola and Sassy Mimi and the neurotic cat too.
From: Moira Fitzgerald |
In memory of Louise Noroian.
From:Ken Nahigian & Sarkis Leather |
In loving memory of Cassie.
From: The Fujito Family |
In memory of Cassie, a wonderful, loving German Shepherd. Member of the Fritschen Family. We all loved her so much and treasured the time we had with her.
From:Cassie's granparents, Judy & Roland Fujito |
In memory of Louise Moroian.
From: Leslie and David Ortiz |
In memory and love of my favorite companion, Simba.
From: J Eli Felicitas |
In honor of Russell Lee & Koda. Thanks for doing what you do!
From: Amy Lee |
In honor of Bob Jachens. Merry Christmas!
From: Kris Jachens |
In honor of our amazing yoga family. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu - May All Beings Be Happy and Free.
From: Laurie Wainwright |
In honor of Patty Steinfurth, my mother and GSD rescue owner living in Aptos.
From: Erika Flynn |
My sweet Greta, my 6th GSD. Love and miss my beautiful Greta Goose.
From: Jeanne Hudock |
In tribute to Stacy B (renamed Sookie), adopted 2010 . . . may she R.I.P.
From: Angela Eccles |
Happy Birthday to my brother, Sean Sullivan
From: Debbie Shields |
In honor of Ian Richard, Merry Christmas
From: Eleanor Richards |
In memory of Louis DeFillippo
From: Harold & Marilyn Maurer |
In honor of Doug Greene
From: Luise Maier |
In memory of Molly
From: Mary Greer |
On behalf of Turf now known as Ace whom we adopted in April 2015.
From: Michael Saad |
In memory of Tito/Happy and in honor of Jackie and Marv Hervey who gave him a save and peaceful final chapter.
From: Gretchen Henderson |
Honoring my childhood companion and first German Shepherd, Duffy. Always in my Heart.
From: Janet Kunze |
In memory of Kate/Ava
From: Marsha Bassett |
In memory of Bev Gilpin
From: the Stinson Family |
In memory of Andrew (Drew) Robert Dziki.
From: Lois Cook |
In honor of Jean & Richard Zukin.
From:George Feliz |
In memory of Laura Bjorklund.
From; David Grey |
In honor of Darry Neubauer and Maui.
From: Marian Langdon |
In honor of PJ. We adopted Adira through you 2 years ago. Thanks for all your help. Adira is doing great.
From:Johannes Noertemann |
In memory of Carol Jean Bettencourt, a devoted German Shepherd lover and supporter of GSRNC.
From:Valarie Bettencourt |
In memory of Kimi, a beloved companion to Kay & Mike Furutani for 15 beautiful years.
From:Lisa Fimby-Dukart |
In memory of Laura Bjorland Sherr, for Alan Sherr. We remember the happy times with Laura. We miss you and will keep Alan close to our hearts.
Love from Beth |
In memory of Vienna. It was an honor and a joy to be your pet sitter. The Lee Pack is not the same without you.
From: Janise, Amore Pet Sitting Services. |
In memory of Beverly Gilpin.
From:Shawna Arnold |
In memory of Beverly Gilpin.
From: William Nunns |
In memory of Beverly Gilpin.
From; Employees of PB Materials |
In memory of Beverly Gilpin.
From:John Parkinson |
In memory of Beverly Gilpin.
From: the "Coffee Club" at Latif's Restaurant in Turlock, CA. |
In honor of Bev Gilpin of Turlock.
From: Anne Youngborg |
In memory of Beverly Gilpin.
From: Katie Takemura |
To honor Vienna Lee
From: Janise Burford |
In loving memory of Bev Gilpin, a strong supporter and original member of GSRNC.
From: Kathy & Mike Huenergardt |
In memory of Lynore Slaten.
From: Kenneth Cole |
In memory of Beverly Gilpin.
From: Betty Ray |
In memory of Beverly Gilpin.
From: Richard & Frances Weaver |
In memory of a beautiful person, Carol Bettencourt.
From: Suzanne Schmutz |
In memory of my west coast mom, Lynore Slaten, who showed us all how to live and love well.
From: Susan Smarr |
In the memory of Lynore Slaten, a true GSD lover
From: Lani Christianson and John Humphrey |
In memory of wonderful Woody. Adopted and loved by Randy and Cindy Reid. You are missed Woody. We will see you on the beach in heaven one day!
From: your Godmother, Francie Newsom |
In memory of my wife, Meredith Noreen, GSD owner and handler.
From: Fred Noreen |
In memory of Molly, one of the best.
From: Kristine Gable |
In memory of Molly Gable. The best dog ever.
From: Kristine Eriksen |
In memory of Aviana, German Shepherd Rescue dog adopted by Bev & Rich Heintz.
From: Janice Cattolica |
In honor of Bob Jachen's birthday. Happy Birthday, Dad
From: Kris Jachens |
In memory of James Miner Rink
From: Francesca Ferrari |
With thanks to Susan Hanna for helping us out with a troubled shepherd. You all are wonderful!
From: Len Welsh and Masako Mizoguchi |
In honor of Jason and Sabrina's beloved Maddy
From: Whitney Leake |
In memory of Robert Lee Sisemore, a German Shepherd breeder and AKC dog obedience judge.
From: Lynn & Ron Cole |
In Tribute to Kim Friberg, A SUPER AMAZING woman! Thank you - you are truly an angel!!!!
From: Stephanie, Ruben & Dante |
In loving memory of Libby. Run free my darling girl!
From: Amlan Chatterjee |
In memory of Rebecca Weir.
From: Linda Dobson |
In memory of Rebel and Shepsi, owned by Allison Kozak & Howard Yellen.
From: Paula Williamson. |
In memory of Bluebelle
From: Donald & Celia Hartnett |
In the memory of James Yribarren.
From: Rotary Club of Martinez Foundation. |
In memory of Calvin, a rescued German Shepherd, aka Boo Boo.
From: Sunny Friendman |
In memory of Scott Gordon.
From: Nathan Gordon |
In memory of Deb Bernstein and Mike DePaoli's beloved GSD "Rembrandt." You were deeply loved "Remmy" and are missed.
From:Peg Sipos and Melita Figueroa |
In loving memory of Charlie
From:Scott Jones |
In memory of Calvin, aka Boo Boo.
From: Sunny Friedman |
In memory of Scott Gordon.
From: Nathan Gordon |
In honor of Hero K-9 Officer Jethro of Canton, Ohio.
Janet Alexander |
In honor of French hero police dog, Diesel, Belgian Shepherd of Paris.
Janet Alexander |
In honor of Kerri.
From: Maryjoan Kleinen |
Merry Christmas Ken, Francisco & Kacey! And a very Happy 2016!
From: Kathy |
In honor of Alison Kozak and Howard Yellen for their generosity and kindness.
From: Kristen Shilling |
In honor of Bob Jachens. Merry Christmas Dad.
From: Kris Jachens |
In memory of Cooper and Tejay.
From: Kristi Ratkowski |
In honor of the Jeff Duesterbeck family and the pets that they have rescued.
From: Daniel Duesterbeck |
For our wonderful Sharon Maloney. We miss you each and every day.
From: Julie Forest |
In honor of Brigit Donner
From: Patricia Greenhood |
In honor of Ronald & Rose Towery
From: Reid Towery |
In loving memory of Jim Yribarren, ret. 6360.May you always be remembered for your generosity,kind soul,immense sense of humor and love of German Shepherds.Blessed to have had you apart of my life.
Thoughts and prayers to Diane and family. With love, the Greek. |
In loving memory of my grandma, Erma Thrasher, and her beloved German Shepherd, Bandit. We all love you and miss you.
From:Teri Bates |
In recognition of the marriage of Gabby Schrader and Pat Skora and their commitment to helping German Shepherds.
From:Lucyann Attner |
In honor of Cathy Brazil and her dog Bella
From: Ashley Amaral |
In memory of Corbit.
From: Brad Davis |
Eve See Dutra retirement service to our veterans and our staff . . . . on small gesture of our appreciation
From: Karen Staats |
Remembering Bastille, formerly Basil, son of Spice Girl from GSRNC. Thank you Basti, for years of love and affection. We love and miss you
From: Heidi Dunkle Kallis |
In memory of Bella, fostered by Gisela and Werner Torres
From: Lorraine Leipold |
In memory of our amazing friend & leader, Xavier Guerrero, and his dog Yuki. May you rest in peace. Love and miss you.
Vanessa B, Matt, Jeri, Michelle, Karen, May, Pam, Isabel, Joycelyn, Leticia |
In memory of Xavier Guerrero and Yuki
From Ann Mamer |
In memory of Xavier Guerrero
Love the McCann Family |
In memory of Xavier Guerrero
From: Sandra, Jeffrey and Matthew Herzstein |
On behalf of my good friend and animal lover, Judy Leonard, on the occasion of her birthday
From: Ilze Duarte |
In memory of Xavier Guerrero.
From: The Cortez Family |
In memory of Xavier Guerrero and with so much love for Stephanie Sotomayor.
In memory of and in tribute to Xavier Guerrero and his German Shepherd, Yuki
From: Russell Thieleman |
In memory of Xavier Guerrero and Yuki. You were loved
Your neighbors, Cort and Martha |
In memory of Xavier Guerrero.
From: Julie Moed |
Xavier, you left us too soon. RIP
Love Brian & Judy |
To Sheeba, our beautiful German Shepherd and spirited and devoted best friend. And to Varin, the sweetest German Shepherd, who is still with us
From: Carola & Cheyenne |
In memory of Ms. T., a very special little girl that moved to Heaven 5 months ago today.
From: Sharron Daniel |
In Nemo's honor
From: Lynn Potts |
In celebration of Mr. Nemo's charmed life, and the joy he found in each day of his 16+ years. My condolences to all who loved him.
From: Phyllis Rayca |
In memory of our German Shepherd friend, TJ Grange
From: Lorri and Sadie |
In celebration of Nemo's life. All my best to Julia and Beth.
From: Jamie Powell in New Hampshire |
In memory of Aika, who we adopted from GSRNC 13 years ago
From: Tami Stewart |
In memory of Tom Maple
From: Mathy Construction Company |
In memory of Kaiser, my gem from GSRNC
From:Greg Farkas |
For Mr. & Mrs. George Oakes
From: Lawrence & Babette Squires |
In honor of Joan Hoover on her special day
From: Al & Ellen Latour |
n memory of my dear friend Katy McAuliffe Lindsey who will always be in my heart
From: Janice Ryan |
In memory of Dr Hobbes
From: James Mitchell |
In memory of Tom Maple.
From: Dave, Patty, Shelly, Craig, Caden, Stacy & Steve at A. Rafanelli. |
In honor of Scott Gordon
From: Your friends at General Telcom. |
In honor of Mr. Scott Gordon.
From: Andrew Lai |
In memory of Scott Gordon.
From: Jennifer Lynn Jaciw |
In memory of Scott Gordon.
From: Kathleen Russel |
In memory of Scott Gordon.
From: MicroMenders |
In loving memory of Scott Gordon and the German Shepherds he loved so much that brought him comfort and companionship over the years. God Bless.
From: The Petty Family |
In memory of Scott Gordon.
From:Kim Friberg |
For Scott. Thank you on behalf of the doggies and the lives changed by them.
From: Ann Hetherton |
In loving memory of my son, Scott Gordon
From: Nathan Gordon |
In honor of my very special friend, Scott Gordon. I will miss his sense of humor and kindness
From: Emmet Zaworski |
In honor of Scott Gordon. May you always be remembered for your generosity and love of German Shepherds.
From: Andrea Bishop and Mike Turkull |
In honor of my good friend, Francisco. Bon Anniversaire, mon ami!
From: Katherine Silvey |
In memory of Dorothy Hamer
From:Bob & Rhonda Galli |
In memory of Barbara McKee
From: Paula Aerts |
In loving memory of Deppo
From: Milagros Ricca |
In memory of Nemo, Julia Priest's dog
From: Debra Hughes |
In memory of Zelda
From: Wayne Sorlie |
In memory of Alvin Kincer who adopted his dog Sasha from GSRNC
From: Judith Loewe |
In honor of Mo O'Neil and her dedication to the rescue cause. Thank you for all your efforts in supporting GSRNC and to your great support to each of us at Ericsson
With kind regards, Kristian, Magnus, Thomas and Bob |
In memory of Bella Williams.
From: Julianna Cruz |
In memory of Alvin Kincer.
From: Karen Barsch |
In loving memory of Alvin Kincer
From: Marcia Deignan |
In memory of Alvin Kincer.
From: Bernice Chin |
To honor Mark Quinn
From: Hadas Rin |
In memory of Mark Quinn.
From: James Kim |
For Giselle who found a wonderful home with Celia Driscol . . . and in memory of her beloved GSDs she has lost . . . Jill & Jack.
From: Marily Anderson |
In memory of Simba, dear boy, and companion for Indu, Speedhar and Rowan.
From: Robert Konigsberg |
In Memory of Sophie, with me 13+ years. My house, yard and life are empty & my heart is broken - I loved her beyond words. She never gave up - a great dog.
From: Pat Sides |
In memory of Becky Weir
From: The Mrs. Carl J Mayer family |
In memory of Alvin Kincer
From: KD & Gary Kurutz |
In memory of Alvin Kincer
From: Jim Alford & Barbara Mendehnall |
In memory of Fran Ruby, GSD lover
From: Christy & Carroll Reynolds |
In memory of Achilles, beloved of Bev & Rich Heintz
From: Janice Cattolica |
In loving memory of our beautiful Coach Girl. The most wonderful GSD and loyal companion. We miss you every day
From: Kim Neto |
In honor of Valerie Auerbach and Kathleen Gilheany and the Thulani Program. Keep up the good work!
From: John Drexler |
In memory of Jill and in honor of Giselle and the Thulani Program
From: Tamara Katz |
In loving memory of Jackie (Patience) adopted January 21, 2006, age 4 - 6 years, died November 24, 2014 of ocular melanoma. She is sorely missed.
From:Laura & Allan Bernstein |
In honor of your wonderful dog Kahol
From: Grady and Mary Jeter |
In memory of Rusty and Megan
From: Denise and Richard Williams |
In honor of Jim Dixson and Tish McGlynn
From: Mark Hicks |
In honor of Raymond Shipley
From: Diane Shipley |
In honor of our grandson, Sam Orta, who adopted Fiona, a great German Shepherd
From: Elliot Katz |
In loving memory of Tully - the smartest, sweetest and most vigilant dog one could meet
From: Courtney Orsbon |
In honor of Robert Jachens
From: Gregg, Leigh, Cameron, Jolie and Lola Jachens |
In loving memory of my best buddy, Kody, adopted from GSRNC in 2003
From: Karen Nelson |
In honor of the love of my life, Kaiser ,adopted from GSRNC and drove across the U.S. with me
From: Elizabeth Lowalski |
In memory of Dixie
From: Terence Paguduan |
In honor of the Duesterbeck family - Jeff, Michelle, Ben and Lola
From: Daniel Duesterbeck |
In honor of Bob and Karen Jachens
From: Kris Jachens |
In honor of my mother's undying love for all things German Shepherd
From: Mark Karan |
To Marie and David Whidden who are grieving the loss of their beloved dog Hondo
From: Susan Eason |
In honor of Ron & Rose Towery
From: Reid & Lisa Towery |
In memory of Bill Woodard
From: Alice Wichman |
In memory of Jakey, adopted by Gisela Torres
From: Lorraine Leipold |
In honor of the Ernsters and Herveys.
From: Gretchen Henderson |
In memory of Fran who adopted Ranger.
From: Dolores Tarantino |
In loving memory of Gryphon (AKA Mickey), with special thanks to Dr. Boltz at Adobe who tried her best to save him in the middle of the night. He was a loving dog and special member of our family.
Thank You GSRNC for rescuing & bringing him into our lives. Tracy & Gordon |
In memory of Fran Spragge
From: Hal Oates |
In honor of Jean and Richard Zukin
From: Rachel McClelland |
In loving memory of Fran Ruby
From: Michael & Kathleen Huenergardt |
In memory of Kenya, a truly wonderful dog
From: Alan Smith |
In memory of Max, beloved by Ed and Donna Puckett
From: Mike & Bonnie Mallin |
In honor of the amazing Deb Bergfeld who has done so much for GSRNC. Thank you for your patience and guidance when I was a new volunteer, and your kindness and sense of humor always
From: Jenny Horst |
In memory of my friend Fran Spragg
From: Audrey Morrison-Allen |
To the Thulani Program at GSRNC
From: Lisa Boudreau |
On behalf of Gary Reynolds
From: Simon Durrant |
In celebration of Lisa Zaecheienin's birthday
From: Susan Raffo |
In loving memory of my husband Geoffrey and GSD Alex
From: Marilyn Dorsey |
In memory of Sam Zalog
From: Brad & Nancy Catania |
In honor of the life of Kathryn Lindsey McAuliffe
From: Michael & Gail Gombos |
In memory of the phenomenal Sharon Maloney. Not a day goes by that we don't miss you.
Happy Birthday From: Juli, Billy, Isaac and Pippin |
In honor of Lani Christianson. Thank you for all you do.
From: Jennifer Price |
In memory of Dexter Sullivan
From: Deborah Shields |
In loving memory of my husband Geoffrey and GSD Alex
From: Marilyn Dorsey |
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Zach Riedinger
From: Laura Wharton |
In loving memory of Kathryn Jane Lindsey
From: Hannah Frankel |
In memory of Kathryn McAuliffe Lindsey
From: Nancy Beddingfield |
A donation to the Thulani Program in memory of Hannah Layton, and in support of our friend Janie Layston in her recent losses.
From: Angela Charles |
In memory of Teddy
From: Angela Charles |
Happy Birthday to Lee Eisman - a true friend to all German Shepherds
From: Unique Software |
Tribute to Lee Eisman
From: Brook Hauch |
For Arthur Faro on Fathers' Day in memory of Annie
Wwith love from Eric |
In honor of volunteer Keith Thompson, for all he does for the dogs
From: Kisses and Paws, Inc |
In memory of Pilot
From: Bob and Debbie Holm |
In loving memory of Pilot - sending healing love to Mary and Cal Lemon
From: Debbie Bernstein |
For Billy in loving memory of Maddie
From: Samantha Aguirre |
In honor of my dad, Ray Shipley, who asks for his personal special occasion gifts be donations to GSRNC
From: Diane Shipley |
In honor of Delta, a wonderful partner of Allan, and special to all. Your time here was a gift to us. You are in our hearts now and always.
From: Janet Alexander |
In memory of Dag, loyal and devoted K9 for the city of Menlo Park
From: Terri Molakides |
In honor of all GSRNC volunteers and especially Bob Jachens for always going the extra mile
From: Ellen Perryess |
In memory of Aunt Bobby - an inveterate GSD lover
From: Jan Price |
In honor of Tod Kimpton's birthday
From: Liazbeth Piper |
For all your good work and especially thanks to your volunteer Beth Dovi
From: Lu Lanson |
In memory of Bill Woodard
From: Nancy Brandon |
In memory of sweet Samson
From: Kathy Rockwell |
In memory of Marleau
From: The Stone Family |
In honor of Paul and Anna Marderosian. In memory of Darby
From: Jeremiah Hallisey |
In honor of Toby for his love of Thomas Arthur & Karen O'Brien.In loving memory of Toby's gift of love & time with us.He arrived when Dad needed him & stayed to be with Karen.Thank you from our hearts
From: Janet Alexander |
In honor of Carlisle, a wonderful partner of Gina, and special friend to Diesel. Your time here was a gift to us. You are remembered in our hearts now and always.
From: Janet Alexander |
In honor of Jana, formerly known as Oceana. She has been part of our family for 2 years & is one of the happiest dogs we have ever had! Thank you GSRNC for rescuing her & for letting us take her home.
From: Doug, Laurie, Koda & Jana Wainwright |
In tribute to Sally, our fearless shepherd rescuer!
From: Michael Obendorf |
In memory of Corbit, our beautiful GSR. We love you and miss you, you were the best
From: Brad Davis |
In memory of sweet, gentle Saxon
From: Jenny and Sean |
In memory of our boy Saxon. Goodbye came too soon. We miss you.
Love, Rick, Trish & Molly |
In loving memory of Ross' Sergeant
From: Alan Ross |
In memory of Jeanne Davies and her love of German Shepherds. We think of her often.
From: Robert & Nancy Sheets |
In honor of the late William Lee Woodard
From: Barry & Irene Grenier |
In honor of Shelby and in memory of Misty
From: Joseph & Heidi Evers |
n memory of Buddy
From: Rene Cameron |
In memory of Saxon Kohrt
From: Mary Baird |
In honor of Rita Balliet and her love of German Shepherds. Her rescues Heidi, Rocco and Peymon have all brought her such joy and love.
From: Debra Moyle |
In honor of Patricia Griffin
From: Erma Griffin |
In loving memory of Riley Ward who was saved by German Shepherd Rescue and loved
From: Matt & Kalie Ward |
In honor of Robert Jachens, Thulani Program Dog
From: Gregg Jachens |
In Memory of sweet, gentle Saxon
From: Sean and Jenny |
On behalf of our beloved family - Jeff and Michelle Duerterbeck
From: Daniel Duesterbeck |
In honor of Ms Maureen O'Neil for her continuing dedication to and love for dogs
From: Mark Elston |
In memory of Nina - the foster who adopted us
From: Sherri & Charles Dodds |
In memory of Max
From: Douglas & Elizabeth Lampman |
In memory of my husband, Bill Woodard. In tribute to our German Shepherds Frieda and Nick for the love, joy and comfort they give me.
From: Alice Wichman |
In memory of our wonderful Heide, who came to us in January 2006 at age 5 1/2. She has been a wonderful companion to us and with her family of 4 cats.
From: Arthur and Barbara MacDonald |
In memory of Kenya
From: Tad & Katie Takemura |
In honor of Tish McGlynn and Jim Dixson
From: Larry & Sharon Hicks |
In memory of my beautiful Katie. She was not a GSRNC dog, but she was my best friend for 12 1/2 years & a wonderful hostess to our adopted GSRNC boy, Black Bear, & 2 Thulani fosters, Kassidy & Blaze
From:Sharron Daniel |
In loving memory of Jo Dixon and GG
From: Joelle Nunes |
Merry Christmas to Allison Kozak and Howard Yellen
From: Josephine Kozak |
In memory of Rajah (aka Schaf Jaeger)
From: Louise Pellerin |
In loving memory of Marko
From: Jay Tennenbaum |
For Phyllis Miller, John Saavedra and Colter . . . . . for a long and happy life together!
From: Clare Robison |
To celebrate the marriage of Phyllis Miller and John Saavedra
From: Beverly Tyrrell |
In honor of the marriage of Phyllis Miller and John Saavedra
From: Pamela Killion |
In celebration of the marriage of Phyllis Miller and John Saavedra
From: Julia Nelson |
In honor of Heahter Adams' 12th birthday
From: Brett Gardner |
Happy Birthday Vicki Breuner!
From: Beverly Bell |
In memory of Bill Woodard
From: Christine Phan |
In celebration of the marriage of Phyllis Miller to John Saavedra (and a nod to Oakley!)
From: Joan, Carl, Katie & Rory Yasharian |
In Tribute to Prince ( 1965-77), my 4-footed brother, responsible for my love of GSDs
From: Christine Decker |
In memory of Misty
From: Heidi & Joseph Evers |
In memory of Jeanne Davies
From: Sally Le Mieux |
My sweet Lizzy, a GSD, was laid to rest and this is a tribute to her faithful companionship and friendship for the past 12 years. In loving memory to my sweet Lizzy girl
From: Allison Martin |
In memory of Bill Woodard and tribute to Alice Wichman
From: Denise Williams |
In memory of Bill Woodard
From: Scott Gardner |
In recognition of Beth Dovi
From: Heather Bowker |
In honor of Allison Kozak and Howerd Yellen
From: Erin Branigan |
On behalf of Jeanne Davies; may she rest in peace.
From: Roger Johnson |
In memory of Jeanne Davies, Maizie's loving partner.
From: Frederick Hines |
In memory of Jeanne Davies
From: Tom Vajta |
In loving memory of Zelda Pratt
From: Louise Pellerin |
In memory of Jeanne C. Davies, whose devoted canine companion, Maizie, was with her to the end.
From: David & Lois Madsen |
In memory of Jeanne Davies
From: William & Sally Neubauer |
In loving memory of Mary Beth Gilmore
From: her family at Medialocate |
Happy wedding Kevin and Rebecca! We all love doggies. Yay Dogs!
Cheers, Isaias |
For Rebecca and Kevin. Congratulations and our best wishes on your marriage. May you have a lifetime of happiness.
Love, Barbara and Les |
In tribute to the wedding of Kevin Walters and Rebecca Katz. Congratulations to the two Shepherd lovers!
Love, Zach and Shan |
In honor of Magnum Erickson
From: George & Elisa Lotti |
In honor of Magnum Erickson. Adopted March 20, 2004. Passed April 14, 2014.
From: Melissa & Douglas Erickson |
In celebration of the marriage of Rebecca Katy and Kevin Walters
From: Bob & Jayn Babcock |
In memory of Kim Miller
From: Anne Simonson |
In memory of Kim Miller
On behalf of Northrop Grumman, PPG and all |
In memory of my beloved wife Kim who grew up with German Shepherds & taught me what friends they can be. She has now gone to a better place but I have our little Holly to help keep her memory alive.
From: Robert Miller |
In loving memory of Sergeant - My "Rock", the most devoted and caring German Shepherd that I have ever shared my life with.
From:Alan Ross |
In memory of our wonderful German Shepherd, Gretta. Thank you for 11 wonderful years of love, friendship and fun.
From: Leonard & Caroline Lepiane |
In memory of our friend Art Schertz
From: Dave & Darryll Neubauer |
In memory of Lauren Choi, a beloved German Shepherd who passed away on May 22.
From: Kimberly VonHagen |
I want to thank everyone at GSRNC for everything they do for these dogs. My special thanks to Tish McGlynn and Jim Dixson for all the time spent looking for a dog for me.
From: Sandy Erickson |
In memory of Lt. Ronald Van Pool, SFFD
From: Donald Fields |
In memory of Lt. Ronald Van Pool, SFFD
From: Norman Hendricks |
In memory of Lt. Ronald Van Pool, SFFD
From: O'Kane & Tegay Insurance Brokers |
In memory of my cousin, Lillian (Bunny) Davis who fostered many needy dogs
From: Carol Beebe |
In honor of Brigitte Donner's birthday
From: Patricia Greenhood |
In memory of Don Champness and his dog Tia
From: Carolyn Conklin |
In honor of our dear friend Suzanne Westphal
With love, Marley & Kathy |
In honor of Annabelle & Mark Travis, for their love and dedication to German Shepherds, and all the world's animals :)
From: Carolyn Englar |
In memory of GSRNC foster Don Champness who gave me GSD Hannah even when he wanted to keep her. He was a great man and GSD lover. He will be missed. He passed away on 1-1-13. Thank you Don.
From: Reed Porter |
In memory of Don Champness, a GSRNC foster parent who looked after our beautiful Hannah before we adopterd her. Hannah loved Don.
From: David Heathcote |
In memory of Don Champness
From: James & Stanna Balassi |
In memory of Don Champness
From: Mervin & Mary Lou Deutscher |
In memory of Don Champness
From: Lani Christianson & John Humphrey |
In honor of Ron & Rose Tower
From: Reid Towery |
In honor of Jeff & Michelle Duesterbeck, their pup Lola. Along with their feline friends. May their love for animals never be forgotten.
From: Daniel Duesterbeck |
In honor of Robert Jachens
From: Gregg Jachens |
Happy New Year
From: Mark & Cindy Kaljumagi and our GSRNC Alumni, Nadja |
In honor of Cassie, loving companion to Susan Taylor Brown and family.
From: Barbara O'Connor |
In honor of Cassie, beloved companion and member of the Brown family
From: Jeanette Larson |
In honor of Jana, formerly Oceana
From: Laurie Wainwright |
On behalf of Carl Kidwell - Happy New Year.
From: Mary Jennings |
In honor of Bob Jachens
From: Kris Jachens |
In memory of Nancy Milliken
From: Bruce Milliken |
In honor of Vino, love you buddy.
From: Kathleen Brooks |
Happy New Year to the Ferguson Family
From: Samantha Constable |
In memory of Vespa. We have a huge GSD-sized hole in our hearts.
Stacy Mar and Perry Anderson |
In memory of Hobbes, who brought so much joy to our dear friend Neil. You will be missed. May this small gift allow someone else to experience the unconditional love of a rescue dog.
From: Anna and Paul. |
To Dr. Gilman, Dr. Weaver, Dr. Baine, and the Caring Staff at Bishop Ranch Vet Center for taking such good care of me!
From: Brodie Wharton |
In Loving memory of Nancy Milliken. May her smile & laugh live on.
Love, Cathy Messersmith |
In Tribute and Honor to Pepper, who watches over us from where Love, Light and Beauty Forever Unites
From: Janet Alexander |
In memory of Eric Falconer
From: Laura & Richard Stoker and Van Falconer K-9 Training Facilities |
In memory of Max's passing
From: The Roblins |
In honor of Joyce, John and 'Babe' Franzman
From: Sherry Frahm |
In memory of Trinity - an amazing dog and true companion to Anna & Terri.
From: Elaine Coburn |
In loving memory of the magnificent Sharon Maloney
From: Billy, Julie, Isaac and Pippin |
In memory of Roxie Boroff, who loved and was loved by DeAnne and Ralph for too short a time.
From: Lisa Greenburg |
In memory of Ray Costello Risher, (Uncle Ray) 1920-2012. He played an active role in our lives, dedicated his life to helping others, and loved animals, especially his beloved white shepherd Sam
Forever in our hearts, The Gaynor Kids |
n memory of Sharon Maloney
From: Chin-Chuan Chang |
Donated to Cody fund in memory of Sharon Maloney at Lam Research
From: Tae Won Kim |
In Memory of Sharon Rae Maloney
From: Daniel J Veargason |
A gift to the Cody Fund in memory of Sharon Maloney
From Shirley Wall |
In Memory of Sharon Maloney
From: Chris Lee |
In Memory of Sharon Maloney
From: Rita K. Hertel, a co-woker at Lam Research Corp. |
In Memory of Sharon Maloney
From: John Maloney |
In Memory of Sharon Maloney
Hae-pyng Jea |
In Memory of Sharon Maloney
From: Donald Harper, a colleague at Lam Research Corp. |
In Memory of Sharon Maloney
From: Mary Roberts |
In honor of Sharon Maloney
From: Patricia Maloney |
In honor of Artour Levin In memory of Buffy
Diana Koulechova |
In memory of Ardis Messinger
From: Michael & Christie Underwood |
In memory of Ardis Messinger
From:Helen & Thomas Phillips |
In memory of Ardis Messinger
From: Pat & JJ Jacobson |
In memory of Ruby, beloved dog of JJ Jacobson
From: Darlene & Ralph Cloud |
In memory of Ardis Messinger
From: Mark and Mary Louise Smith |
In memory of Chris Ramos' brother
From: JJ and Pat Jacobson |
In memory of John Zingheim
From: Susan James |
In honor of remarkable Brigitte Donner's birthday
From: Patricia Greenhood |
In memory of Sidney Goetz
From: Alan Sherian |
In honor of Woofie, a faithful friend and beloved family member for 12 years
From: Eileen Saqaal |
In memory of Rio Von Baerenzwinger, 1999 - 2011
From: Donna & Michael Haggerty |
In memory of Savanah
From: Henry & Susan Walaszczyk |
In honor of Chris Dunaway
From: Susan & Larry Tsujihara |
In memory of Scott Patterson & Greta
From: Kyle Sheridan |
In memory of Scott Patterson & Greta
From: Kevin & Jean Kaseff |
In memory of Lois, an old soul with a kind heart
From: Peter VanDyne |
In Memory of JAXON
From: Frederick Rice |
In honor of Scott Patterson and Greta
From: Frank and Rita Kawashima |
In honor of Z. Rose and Ronald Towery
From: Reid Towery and family |
In honor of Bunney Jamal, a wonderful representative of GSRNC
From: Bruce & Jo Ann Thompson |
Honoring Richard and Jean Zukin.
From: Cliff Zukin |
In honor of Sharon Maloney.
From: Secret Santa |
In honor of Marv & Jackie Hervey.
From: Gretchen Henderson |
In honor of Scott & Greta.
From: Sharon Marion |
In tribute to Scott Patterson and Greta.
From: Rick & Betty Moore |
In memory of Greta, beloved companion to Scott. They are together again.
From: Cathy LeVack |
In memory of Scott Patterson & Greta.
From: Raehua Pan |
In honor of Scott & Greta.
From: Brian Drake |
In memory of Jim Hillgren.
From: Teresa, Gale and Emily |
In honor of Scott Patterson & Greta
From: Deb Bergfeld |
In loving memory of Sonny
From: Toby Gould |
In memory of James Hillgren
From: "The Quilters" |
In memory of James S. Hillgren
From: Robert Jushisin |
In memory of Jim Hillgren
From: PCI Human Resource Consulting |
In memory of Jim Hilgren
From: Dennis Sullivan |
In memory of Midnight, beloved dog of the Waiss Family
From: Ralph & Darlene Cloud |
In memory of Lois Millberger Tooker
From: very dear friends |
In remembrance of James Hillgren
From: Roberta and Dennis Duggan, Arcata, CA (Family of Virginia Henry) |
In honor of JD Pearson, a loving German Shepherd
Darin, Kristin and Layla |
In memory of Don Fanshier
From: the GSRNC Family |
In memory of the four German Shepherds I have been so blessed to love as family members: Zeus, Hera, Tara and Max. I will love you all forever.
From: Rene Cameron |
In memory of Dick McKnight
From: Janet McKnight |
In memory of Jim Lempner
From: Donald & Carol Orme |
In honor of Steve Prinz for his incredible efforts organizing, managing and working with Team Garlic at the Gilroy Garlic Festival for the past 3 years.
From: Lani and John |
In memory of my beautiful Tara. She was a truly lovely creature and a gentle and faithful companion.
From: Sally Griesbach |
In memory of Jewel Cunningham
From: Jeanne Davies |
In Memory of Janice Staley
From Carol Porter and Bill & Laura Porter |
In memory of our beloved Otto (formerly Hudson)
From: Deanne Tully and Scott March |
In memory of Bridget, beloved dog of The Salazar Family
From: Ralph and Darlene Cloud |
In memory of Jessy, beloved dog of Don Parker
From: Ralph and Darlene Cloud |
In memory of Butler
From: Helen Parnell |
In memory of Tonshu (formerly Canto
From: Loren & Erika Walden |
Happy birthday to Art
From: Elizabeth Watson |
In Memory of Tess
From: Donna & Katrina |
In memory of Jim Lempner
From: Robin, Mitch, Connor & Grant Holden |
In memory of Jim Lempner
From: Ellen Place and Curt Emberson |
In memory of James Lempner
From: Kerry & Greg Wallace and Family |
In memory of James Lempner
From: Dennis & Allayne Reese |
In memory of our beloved Marko
From your Forever Family: Lee, Jay and Jordan |
In memory of Jim Lempner
From: Chee & Melody Lam |
In memory of Jim Lempner
From: Kelly Wilson |
Special thanks to Natalie Apple for rescuing Axel
From: Susan Eason |
In memory of Butler, a very special soul that contributed so much to his family and to GSRNC
From: Lani and John |
In memory of Jim Lempner
The Vollrath Family |
In memory of Wendy Robinson
From: Emily & Craig Allen |
In tribute to Wendy Robinson. True beauty is reflected in the soul. It is the caring that is given, lovingly and unconditionally to all animals, that stirs the passion in all man kind.
From: Katherine Barnes Pawson |
In memory of Ina Vaughn
From: Del & Linda Sessions |
In memory of Wendy Robinson
From: Dennis & Madelyn Yeo |
In memory of Wendy Robinson
From: Merlin Dorfman |
In memory of Bailey Conneely
From: Lisa Ryan |
In memory of Bruno, a sweet and loving friend.
From: The Lorenzo-Davis family |
In memory of GS Sierra Rettig. She enjoyed everyday of the unconditional love of her amazing person Chris who will never forget “sweet face” and the many years and adventures they had together.
From: The Ryan Family |
In memory of John Jawad
From: Dr. Abeliuk, MD |
In memory of John Jawad
From: John & Victoria Anderle |
In memory of John Jawad
From: Richard & Gloria Huff |
In Memory of Mariah Zutis
From: Dianne MacDaniels |
In Memory of Elizabeth Herold
From: Darryll & David Neubauer |
In Memory of my friend John Jawad
From: Mead Mahoney |
In honor of Khosro
From Lorraine Kainuma |
In memory of Pebbles, our adopted and much loved GSD that passed away last March.
From: Stephen & Diane Wise |
In memory of Cosmo
From: Deborah & Thomas Cregger |
In memory of my beloved Sophie. She went to Doggie heaven 11/30/10. Jayne "sprung" her in January 2006. Thanks guys.
From: Joan Keppler |
In memory of Zephyr and in sympathy for Kelly, Keelyn and Gryphyn
From: Dad & Erin. |
In memory of Blitzen.
From: Celia & Don Hartnett |
In tribute to Axel & Maxwell, our two wonderful German Shepherd dogs.
From: Harry & Cathy Edwards |
In honor of our wonderful dog Sasha that we got from German Shepherd Rescue in 2008.
From: Roger & Debbie Kohler |
In honor of Sergeant & Scout.
From: Alan Ross |
In loving memory of my mother Johanna P. DeOliveira.
From: Monique Domire |
In honor of Nick.
From: Mr. & Mrs. Michael Crawley on behalf of Lisa Crawley & Julie Cason |
In honor of my sisters Lisa Crawley & Julie Cason in memory of their beloved Nick.
From: Amy & Donald Isham |
Merry Christmas to Robert Jachens!
From: Gregg and Leigh |
In memory of Lobo Grande, a truly magnificent dog.
From: Rusty and Claudia Miner |
In memory of William "Bill" Miller
From: Peg Sipos & Melita Figeueroa |
In honor of JJ Jacobson and Shade
From: Darlene & Ralph Cloud |
Merry Christmas to Patricia Greenhood
From: Rebecca Schaeffer |
Merry Christmas to Patricia Greenhood
From: Tere Biggerstaff |
In honor of his rescue GSD Sgt York, now 7 years old
From: Robert McCreadie |
In memory of Alan Mettler
From: Katherine Mettler |
Iin memory of her beloved Tally. Thank you for bringing her into my life.
From: Jennifer Rosenberg |
In honor of Ginger Lev
From: Debbie Nelson |
In honor of Marilyn Green
From: Debbie Nelson |
In the loving memory of our beloved Endie Chatterjee
From: Amian and Anne Chatterjee |
In memory of Grace Wolf
From: Cyndie Reis |
In memory of Bill Seidler, a friend to German Shepherd Dogs
From: Lori Lambertson |
In memory of GSD "Hayston"
From: Jeannie Burkhart of Barks & Recreation |
In memory of Dilanthi's "Nikki" who will be in our hearts forever
From: Lynore Slaten |
In honor of the golden wedding anniversary of Larry & Pat Raynak
From: Margit David |
In memory of Cody -beloved pet of Marcia & Doug Farrell
From: Charles & Arlene Folker |
In memory of our beloved Endie. Although you were a part of our life for only a few years, you taught us a new meaning of love. We will always miss you.
Amlan & Annekathrin Chatterjee |
In memory of Mandy
From: Susan Anton |
In memory of Art Welch
From: Robin Stepto |
In memory of Art Welch
From: Kim Gardner |
In memory of Jill Venn
From: Regina Ambrose |
In memory of Jim Fisherkeller
From: Regina Ambrose |
In memory of Sadie
From: Andrew Vaquerano |
In honor of Carroll Reynolds
From: David & Deborah McEuen |
In memory of "Ollie" Kleinman
From: Amy Kassiola |
In honor of wonderful Brigitte Donner
From: Patricia Greenhood |
In honor of Jim Kramer
From: Paul Fregulia |
In honor of Monica Vigil's work
From: Dorothy Bushnell |
In memory of Christina Welcome's dog "Micah"
From: Bill & Dorothy Beers |
To: Pack Members Rob, Sandra, Roxana and Louie
In Memory of Ella. Who in life and passing taught us that nothing is unbreakable, especially our hearts.
From: Pack Members Tim, Angela, Lambeau and Wolfie |
In honor of Steve Prinz
From: Lois Jacobson |
In honor of Bella & Selleck
From: Sandra Thornton |
In honor of Khosro Moshfegh and Coby
From: the Paulazzo Family |
In memory of Jim Kramer. We both loved German Shepherds. A close friend from a long time ago.
From: Paul Fregulia |
In honor of Steve Prinz
From: Lois Patricia Jacobson |
In honor of Pat Moore and "Jake" (aka Jedi)
From: Robert & Melissa Norris |
In honor of Jeff & Heidi Kallis
From: H.K. Dunkle |
In memory of their much beloved shepherd, "Josie" 11/1996 to 4/2010. May she rest in peace.
From: Dick and Kathy Gillam |
In honor of Belle (aka Desire), Bodo (aka Hart) and in memory of Tasha
From: Annie Callaway |
In memory of Gwen & Joel's "Madie"
From: Carole & Larry Kleinman |
In honor of Boomer & Draco
From: Chris Dutra |
In honor of Karyn Sabin who fostered their beloved Schatzie Girl
From: Ken & Heidi Brown |
In honor of Elizabeth Martin
From: Darry Neubauer |
In memory of their beloved "Vader"
From: Susan Smarr & Bill Gatcomb |
In memory of Kay Harlick's GSD "Shalia" who passed away this year
From: West Valley Dog Training Club |
In memory of Sammi, one of our Thulani program dogs
From: Brigitte Donner |
In honor of Sophie Sue (Rescue #1960) . . . still hanging in there!
From: Joan Keppler of Savannah, GA |
In memory of Solo Ramorino
From: Camp K-9 of Marin |
In honor of Sergeant and Scout
From: Alan Ross |
In memory of Diga and Sasha
From: Carol and David Darling |
In honor of Howard Yellen and Allison Kozak
From: Josephine Kozak |
In memory of Blitzen
From: The Hartnett Family |
In tribute to Eric and Bryan Von Falconer
From: Marie Allman |
In memory of her Denali, who was a wonderful companion from day he was adopted till the day he passed away at age 12 on 12/29/09
From: Patricia Vaughn |
In tribute to their two wonderful German Shepherds, Axel and Maxwell
From: Harry & Cathy Edwards |
In memory of their three shepherds: Mindy, Duchess and Cecil
From: Fredrick and Corinne Schwartz |
In hour of Jim Dixson
From: Sharon & Larry Hicks |
In honor of Circle C Electric's owners, Chris and Sandra Thomason
From: Craig Cooke, Will Perdue and Carlos Hernandez |
In memory of Tasha
From: Anne Callaway |
In loving memory of Lizzy (1999 to 2009)
From: Margaret Scantlebury |
In memory of Tasha
From: Anne Callaway |
In loving memory of Lizzy (1999 to 2009)
From: Margaret Scantlebury |
In memory of the Lundy's "Max"
From: Kim Henry |
In memory of Cole. She was my shadow, my best friend.
From: Karin Plow |
In honor of Lucky Rose and her incredible mom, Maureen Burkley
From: their friends, Natalie, Anne, John and Robert |
In memory of her dear friend Jeanne Husted's GSD
From: Lynn Harvey |
In memory of Oscar & Celt
From: Margaret Scantlebury |
In memory of Janet and Jim Bates' 14 year-old Haley who was their best friend
From: Ellenor Griffith |
In memory of his shepherd "Jay"
From: Phil Parks |
In memory of the Doorlay's "Anka"
From: Betty Best |
In memory of "Haley"
From: Carolyn Sanguinetti |
In honor of Boomer, Greta and Draco
From: Chris Dutra |
In honor of the Lundy's "Sasha"
From: Kim Henry |
In honor of the Berg's "Shadow"
From: Kim Henry |
Honoring Sister Rosa Barks (aka Rosie Rae)
From: Grace & Ernest Lowe |
In memory of the fallen Oakland police department officers.
From: Laura Romans |
In memory of Jerry G. Dawg, Patron Saint of Tripawds everywhere.
From: Martha Lowe |
In honor of JJ Jacobson, thank you for your tireless work in saving dog's lives every single day.
From: Martha Lowe |
In honor of Codie Rae, the most awesome tripawd GSD girldog ever!
From: Martha Lowe |
In memory of Rosa, my heart.
From: Martha Lowe |
In memory of our daughter's Sister Rosa Barks, aka Rosie Rae.
From: Ernest and Grace Low |
In tribute to the handsome Xeno, beloved companion of Debb Womack and Steve Miller
From: Deb & Carrie |
In memory of Rosemarie Taneri, her childhood friend and a great dog and animal lover.
From: Patricia Greenhood |
In memory of Ravik and Dusty - two great dogs who
From: Carol Phillips |
In memory of Debbi Hankins' beloved Nikki
From: Mary Lemon |
In memory of their beloved Quinlynn
From: Mark & Monica Vigil Dombeck |
In the memory of Argo the Wonder dog , who taught us all about training owner Jamie Hulan
From: France & Julie |
In memory of Andre
From: Judith Peletz |
In memory of one sweet German Shepherd, Zachary, owned by Dick and Jean Zukin
From: Pam Galen |
In memory of Dick and Jean Zukin's beloved and loyal Zachary
From: Susan Heller |
In memory of Raymond Lopez
From James Shugrue |
In memory of Raymond Lopez who got his beautiful GSD, Jodi from Rescue
From: Shirley Dempsey |
In memory of Raymond Lopez
From: Patricia Jones |
In memory of Severina Berthold
From: Pete McGiffert |
In memory of Quinlynn
From: Katie Takamura |
In memory of Quinlynn
From: Katie Takamura |
In memory of Severina Berthold
From: Japan Airlines |
In memory of Raymond Lopez
From: John & Lynn Donham |
In memory of Severina Berthold
From: Larry & Pat Askew |
In memory of Raymond Lopez
From: George & Cathy Wells |
In memory of Raymond Lopez
From: Richard & Suzi Torres |
In memory of Raymond Lopez
From: Steve & Pamela Madrid |
In memory of their beloved "Moe" (formerly "Catch" rescue class of 2003)
From: Michael & Sara Bank |
In memory of her good friend Mark
From: Marie Rolih |
In memory of Severina Berthold
From: Renzo & Diane Lardelli |
In memory of Severina Berthold
From: IASCO |
In honor of "Black Bear"
From Gene & Jean Wright |
In memory of "Alice" Finkelstein
From: Anne Workman |
In honor of Josh & Kelly Templin
From: Cynthia & Kevin Steele |
In memory of "Bizmo"
From: Ginochio Engineering |
In memory of Marilyn's son, Mark
From: Sandra Dalton |
In memory of Mary Fisk
From: Gail Ries |
In memory of their 3 GSDs who brought so much joy to their lives: Mindy, Duchess & Cecil
From: Fred & Corinne Schwartz |
In honor of their son-in-law, Alan Ross
From: Thie Hamstra |
In honor of Wanda Thomas's
From: Monterey County Administrative Office |
In honor of Benke Nilsson
From: Claudia Morris |
In memory of wonder dog Arcas and in honor of his faithful human friend Sharon Maloney--a fantastic dog and a kind, dedicated GSRNC volunteer who shared a great friendship. Arcas, you will be missed.
From: Billy, Julie, Isaac and Pippin |
In memory of my unselfish sister, Savana
From: Desiree Williams |
In memory of Theodore Flecker
From: Suzanne Flecker & Rick Bonilla |
In honor of Debbie and Tom Oliver's "Dena"
From: Dave and Karin Arrigoni |
In memory of her rescue dog Roxie (aka China)
From: Eleanor Delenikos |
Loving memories of Roman – My stalker. The epitome of what a Shepherd should be. You will always be loved and remembered.
From: Joan Cannelli |
My beloved Savana aka Killer Cannelli – Gone yet not forgotten, although we are apart, your spirit lives within me, forever in my heart. Run free my wild one!
From: Joan Cannelli |
In memory of my beloved Shiloh – Strong, stable, and devoted, a gentle giant. If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.
From: Joan Cannelli |
In loving memory of Tara – So gentle and sweet, a constant companion, a loving soul, a tender heart – I miss you still.
From: Joan Cannelli |
In memory of Joan Canelli's beloved Savana
From Kathryn Kearney |
In memory of the magnificent and mighty Apollo
From Beverly of East Bay Pet Care |
In memory of their beloved dog "Jackie"
From Hye Ok Lim |
In memory of Fran and Hal Ruby's "Cody Man"
From Mary Lemon |
In memory of Fran and Hal Ruby's "Cody"
From Joan Brown |
In memory of Jan Armstrong
From Coyote Hills Kennel Club |
In memory of Jan Armstrong
From Geri Soroken |
In memory of Jan Armstrong
From Joan Cannelli |
In memory of Jan Armstrong
From Linda Engler |
In memory of Jan Armstrong
From Sherryn Holsworth |
Thanking Dez Murray
From Joan Keppler |
In memory of Katie & Tada Takamura's beloved Minnie
From Jan Dachman |
In memory of Minnie Takemura
From Monica Vigil-Dombeck |
In memory of Jackson Slaten
From Monica Vigil-Dombeck |
In memory of Minnie Takemura
From Mike & Kathy Huenergardt |
In tribute to Rhea Babbit & Kay Gilliland
From Lara Lomac |
In memory of Jan Armstrong
From Ann Mariolle |
In tribute to our daughter, Tracy Beagin
From Donna Kolinger |
In memory of Edward Searby
From Carmela & Dwight Eli |
In memory of Gunnar
From Katie Cudlin |
In memory of Nyka, beloved longcoat GSD of Linda & Perry Vartani
From Dennis Lewenthal |
In memory of Alan Ross's beloved
From Mitchell & Phyllis Goldstein |
In memory of Kronos who passed away 8/30/05
From Margaret & William Hughes |
In honor of her GSD, Sariel, adopted from us 5/0
From Jean Hanifen |
In honor of their GSD Jack
From Phyllis & Don Saccani |
In honor of Mike & Dez Murray, Bob Jachens & Jim Rabjohn
From Alan Ross |
In honor of Scout (formerly Crash)
From Alan Ross |
In loving memory of his Storm
From Alan Ross |
In honor of Bob Jachens who got me to foster and I later adopted "Roxie"
From Eleanor "Dee" Delenikos |
In memory of John M. and Dorothy G. Sperlinski
From Jo Ann & Donald Sperllinski |
In memory of Lobo, adopted in 2000
From Linda Vartanian |
In honor of her adopted GSD, Simba
From Gisela Torres |
In memory of her friend Jan Armstrong
From Sandra Younglove |
In honor of Ruby Hertz and Pat Giberti thanking them for Remington, Shasta, Pilot & Sky
From Nita Wong |
In honor of his owner, James Hagler
From Chief ("Waldorf) |
In memory of Ronald M. Gelfan
From Albert & Lois Bachur |
In memory of Ron Gelfan
From Linda Childers |
In memory of Ron Gelfan
From Eleanor Harr |
In loving memory of her husband, Greg
From Lucy Arnold |
In honor of Andrea Bishop
From Patricia Jacobson |
In honor of rescue GSD, Bella Luna
From Sandra Thornton |
In memory of Kaila
From Bonnie & Rich Hartmann |
In memory of Ron Gelfan
From Eva Thompson |
In memory of Karen Toth's Monty
From Mary Lemon |
In honor of Draco, Boomer & Uncle Bob
From Chris Dutra |
In memory of their beloved Boh
From Isabella & Ugo Conti |
In memory of Ron Gelfan
From Dennis Harmon |
In memory of Ron Gelfan
From Milfred Childers |
In memory of Ron Gelfan
From Victoria Gelfan |
In memory of Ron Gelfan
From Jeanette Everhart |
In memory of Ron Gelfan
From Ben Everhart |
In memory of James Morton
From John & JoAnna Morton |
In honor of Copper
From Rhondda Zude |
In memory of "Duchess" and thank you to Louise and Bob
From Joel Barcelona |
In memory of "Rommel" owned by Ed & Gloria Barrows
From Janne Swearengen |
In memory of Christi Hadley's beloved Rin Tin
From Margaret Bradley |
In honor of Elizabeth Penn
From Christy Reynolds |
In memory of "King" Moore
From Scout's House |
In honor of their friend Angee Linsey
From Matt & Sari Crevin |
In memory of Marian Pott's GSD "Badge"
From Patricia Hartney |
In honor of Katie Takemura
From Judith Peletz |
In loving memory of Yellow Lab, Gabriel DeKoster
From Alan Ross |
In memory of Kay Springer's "Jasmin"
From Patricia Hartney |
In honor of Blitzen Hartnett
From Meredith Hartnett |
In honor of Arko Andrews
From Meredith Hartnett |
In honor of Hasso Andrew
From Meredith Hartnett |
In honor of Valerie Charsky's birthday
From Mary Charsky |
In honor of Bunny Davis
From Suzanne Quane |
In memory of Mark Brown's companion "Dakota"
From Todd McKinley |
In memory of his "Storm"
From Alan Ross |
In memory of "Ali"
From Michelle Lua |
In honor of Mary Lemon's birthday
From Janet Stephenson |
In honor of Talia
From Louise Pellerin |
In memory of Debbie and Ben Bernstein's much loved GSD "Buddy"
From Peg Sipos |
In memory of Debbie and Ben Bernstein's "Buddy"
From Louise & Dave Wilson |
In memory of "Buddy" Lewis-Bernstein
From Maureen Gamma |
In memory of "Buddy"
From Joan Hoover |
In memory of our beloved "Buddy" 1995-2007 R.Beth's Freebird
From Deb & Ben Bernstein |
With thanks to Carole Kleinman
From Airro Construction/Victor Harris |
In memory of "Storm" and "Shadow
From Alan Ross |
In memory of Ms. Marietta Schrag, a friend who loved all of my GSDs
From Alan Ross |
In celebration of the marriage of Alan Ross and Susan De Koster
From Gail & Harvey Borgen |
In honor of Ms. Lorraine Schowalter
From Carole Baird |
In memory of "Baron" the one, the onl Puppaman
From Susan Reynolds |
In memory of Diana Altree
From Joan Hoover |
In memory of Diana Altree
From Katie Takemura |
In memory of Diana Altree
From Debra Swank of River City Racing Association |
In memory of Diana Altree
Joan Hoover, Diablo Valley German Shepherd Dog Club |
In memory of Diana Altree
Mike Murray, Shelley Cairns, Paula & Christopher Cole, Katie Takemura |
In memory of Diana Altree
Shiva Subramanya of Energy and Power Solutions, Myra & Michael Esver |
In memory of Diana Altree
Terry Kubicka of Four Corners Veterinary Hospital |
In memory of Diana Altree
The staff in Energy and Carbon Management at Nexant |
In memory of Diana Altree
Mary Sue McNeill, Mike & Kathy Huenergardt, John & Kathleen Kunstal |
In memory of Diana Altree
From Fran Ruby, Joan & Donald Nordstrom, Margie Christian, Pedro Contreras |
In memory of Stephen Haskell and his German Shepherd
From Melanie Mathews |
In honor of the marriage of Alan Ross and Susan de Koster
From Norman & Joann Maender |
In honor of the marriage of Alan Ross and Susan de Koster
From Mike Murray |
In honor of the marriage of Alan Ross and Susan de Koster
From Lois Dummett |
In memory of Diana Altree
From Mary Lemon |
In honor of Martha Sheriger for 60 years of triumph and survival
From Loraine Pansegrau |
In memory of Diana Altree
From Shelly Sharp |
In memory of Diana Altree
From Manny D'Albora |
In memory of Diana Altree
From Deborah Hankins |
In honor of the marriage of Alan Ross and Susan deKoster
From Ernette Erienbusch |
In honor of the marriage of Alan Ross and Susan deKoster
From John Kessler |
In honor of the marriage of Alan Ross and Susan deKoster
From Brian Chapman |
In honor of the marriage of Alan Ross and Susan deKoster
From Deborah Rockwerk |
In loving memory of Brent's amazing companion, "Jade" and her wonderful spirit
From Lisa & Dakota |
In memory of "Muir"
From Richard & Jean Zukin |
In honor of Draco, Boomer, Uncle Bob and Greta
From Chris Dutra |
In honor of Tracy Beagin
From Donna Kolinger |
In honor of Lucy Cunka
From Marie Green |
In loving memory of "Jadie", she will be truly missed by so many but she loved only one man..and of course, his truck!
From Geri, Larry and Corey |
In loving memory of Jade, who will forever live in Brent's heart as well as ours
From Tony, Jeffrey, Daniela and Bailey |
In memory of Diana Altree
From Jon & Taryn Johnson |
In memory of Diana Altree
From GSD Fanciers of Northern California |
In memory of Diana Altree
Frank & Barbara Pinto |
In honor of the marriage of Alan Ross and Susan deKoster
From M. Hamstra |
In memory of Nelson Pergalsky
From Marlowe Nelson |
In memory of Dez and Mike Murray's "Tanner", an example of the perfect GSD
From Marisa and Lew Samuels |
In honor of the marriage of Alan Ross and Susan deKoster
From Viola Herman |
In honor of the marriage of Alan Ross and Susan deKoster
From Linda Doran |
In honor of the marriage of Alan Ross and Susan deKoster
From Joan Giordano |
In honor of her sister-in-law, Katie Takemura
From Judith Peletz |
In honor of her father, Dennis and his work with GSRNC
From Dana Lewenthal Blankman |
In loving memory of Talia - run like the wind!
From Andrea Bishop and Mike Turkull |
In honor in Jayne Nielsen, who pulled "Kai" from the shelter, Dez and Mike Murray who fostered him and Joan Hoover who helped find the perfect dog for us.
From Lani Christianson and John Humphrey |
In memory of Olga Sasha
From Carol and David Darling |
In honor of the great Los Gatos and Redwood City Adoption Day crews. Thank you for enriching my life.
From Lani Christianson |
In memory of her SAR dog "Keiko"
From Chantal Rose |
In loving memory of Storm and Shadow
From Alan Ross |
In memory of rescue dog "Josie" adopted in 1999
From Irene and Eugene Bruner |
In honor of his GSDs Rennie and Max
From Ron Vierra |
In honor of all her GSDs, past and present: Spooky, Fanta, Sheba and Kaiser (present rescue German Shepherd)
From Amy Brandolino |
In honor of Dr. Robert and Julie Koblin
From Rita Gipson |
In honor of Mike Eurkus
From Kerri Sutter |
In honor of the marriage of Alan Ross and Susan DeKoster
From Anita and Marvin N. Nathan |
In memory of her husband Donald
From Phyllis Saccani |
In memory of their 3 GSDs: Cecil, Duchess & Mindy
From Fred & Connie Schwartz |
In memory of Trudi, a great dog and friend
From Sharon Baldwin |
In memory of Garda Schlesinger and "Ava"
From Esther Lunsman |
In honor of Ruby Hertz and Pat Giberti thanking them for Remington, Shasta, Pilot & Sky
From Mary Lemon |
In memory of their friend Erling Grimstad
From Jay and Jane Stott |
In memory of Jake, a real good dog!
From Mariana Rivera |
In memory of The Wizard Hoover-Rabjohn
From Nancy Paxton & Gaurang Desai |
In honor of Raymond Jacobs
From Joseph Kobylski |
In memory of Brando, a true friend
From Tony and Nancy Corbelletto |
In memory of Chianti, always in our hearts
From Tony and Nancy Corbelletta |
In memory of Barney
From Diana Balzan |
With special thanks to Melanie McNiel
From Deanne Alvernaz |
In memory of The Wizard
From Rita & Bob Balliet |
In memory of The Wizard
From Patricia Greenwood |
In memory of The Wizard
From Erika & Loren |
In honor of the marriage of Alan Ross and Susan de Koster
From The Hamstras |
In memory of Diana Altree
From Kelly Adams |
In memory of Josie
From Eugene & Irene Bruner |
In memory of his "extra" special GSD Jay
From Phil Parks |
In memory of "Bizmo"
From Ginochio Engineering |
In honor of Kathy Krol-Ramney
From Kim Ramney |